More fun at the Fair …

The Forks Happy Tails 4-H club did well at the Clallam County Fair. Moving on as State qualifiers for Obedience at the State Fair on Thursday, Sept. 12 are Brooklynn and Hailey Rondeau and Zoie Davis; Agility on Sept. 14 is Zoie and Sophie Davis, Alice Rasmussen, and Brooklynn Rondeau. Photos Lonnie Archibald

Zoie and Belle …This is Zoie’s last year…she has aged out of 4-H. She received a poster saying “Happy Trails…Happy Tails will miss you.” However, she is going to help at the Fair next year.

Zoie and Belle …This is Zoie’s last year…she has aged out of 4-H. She received a poster saying “Happy Trails…Happy Tails will miss you.” However, she is going to help at the Fair next year.

Ava and Maggie ….

Ava and Maggie ….

Sally Jo and Perry Sue …

Sally Jo and Perry Sue …

Hailey Rondeau with Faith.

Hailey Rondeau with Faith.


Hailey Rondeau with Faith.