Sunset Lanes

Monday Doubles

4/2: Wade McCoy 201, 725, Beach Bums lead by 2 pts.

4/9: Wade McCoy 201, 709, Tina Joseph 195, 638, Barbara Darnell 167, Beach Bums lead by 4 pts.

4/16: Wade McCoy 234, 729, Ryan DiVita 203, Gary Darnell 202, Tina Joseph 190, 647, Beach Bums lead by 7.5 pts.

Tuesday Teams

4/3: Bill Gillett 242, 629, Jacob Norstrom 211, Matt Christenson 209, Gwen Gaydeski 189, Monica Gilstrap 171, Tracy Gillett 164, Strike Club leads by 2.5 pts.

4/10: Wade McCoy 253, 642, Mike Henderson 229, 599, Dean McCoy 225, 565, Eric Tyler 210, Deana Rogers 192, 519, Gwen Gaydeski 166, Kristina Currie 165, Kelsie Alborn 162, Monica Gilstrap 161, Strike Club wins the 4th Qtr!

Thursday Doubles

4/6: Kim Hallenbeck 190, Deana Rogers 173, G St Bombers win the 2nd Half by 13.5 pts!

4/12: G St Bombers defeated Kim’s Cookies 10 to 4 for the League Championship! Results of the League Sweeper: Alex King 704, Mike Henderson 684, Lyric Winn 642. Mike Henderson 214, Alex King 198, Marissa Marcozzi 173, Kim Hallenbeck 173.

Friday Youth

4/13: Ryan DiVita 166, 496, Jai Leavitt-Ward 119, 348, Cashtien Barajas 81, 222, Scorpions lead by 3 pts. Bumpers: Caitlynn Cooney 109, Braxton Cooney 95, Tannon Gaydeski 84, Xoey Penn 78, Cheetahs lead by 3 pts.

Bowlers of the Month

4/13: March Roll-off: Alex King 691, Brandon Cooney 651, Mike Henderson 639.