WDFW approves 3-day razor clam dig beginning April 6

Razor clam diggers can return to various ocean beaches for a three-day opening beginning Saturday, April 6 and extending through the following Monday.

State shellfish managers with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) approved the dig on morning low tides after marine toxin tests showed the clams are safe to eat.

The upcoming dig is approved on the following beaches, dates, and low tides:

• April 6, Saturday, 8:05 a.m.; 0.3 feet; Twin Harbors, Mocrocks

• April 7, Sunday, 8:42 a.m.; 0.1 feet; Twin Harbors, Mocrocks

• April 8, Monday, 9:20 a.m.; 0.0 feet; Mocrocks

Beachgoers should note a change from the tentative schedule announced earlier. Shellfish managers canceled the April 6 razor clam dig at Copalis and replaced it with a dig just down the road at Mocrocks beach.

“Our razor clam-loving population has been hitting Copalis beach hard in recent months,” said Dan Ayres, WDFW coastal shellfish manager. “Based on our projections, we need to make this shift to ensure a healthy population of razor clams for the fall and coming years.”